Monday, August 15, 2011

Part Time Job

The search begins. All though I already have a super busy schedule I apparently feel the need to be busier. I have begun the search for an evening part time job for a few reasons:
1. Help get out of debt faster (CC debt and School Loan Debt, OH yeah and the new car debt).
2. Once out of debt have money for vacations and maybe the smart thing to put some aside for emergencies.
3. Um did I mention to get out of debt faster!!!
4. To begin saving up for a down payment on a new house for hopefully next summer. (Love my condo but it's time to expand to something larger, I have large furniture and feel cramped)
5. To ride unnecessary stress.

I have found 3 already that I will be calling tonight and sending in my resume to. If you read this and would just absolutely love to be a reference for me please text/call me and let me know. I would need some form of a title, and where you work along with a contact phone number.

Thank you in advanced to those who just can't wait to be a reference :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Weight Loss

For those that want to follow my weight loss please visit
For those that want to follow my life basically (except the weight loss) stay on this blog

Friday, August 5, 2011

Getting Better

I use to be so good at posting on here and I think I am going to use this more then FaceBook from now on. I typically use FB to play games anyways so for the next few posts I am going to mostly put pictures from albums in FB on here and remove them from FB. Don't honestly know how much longer I'm even going to use FB.