The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten, weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself.
9. To pay for bills while in college I cut my roommates hair and other individuals who were willing to pay. I also did dying and highlighting.
8. All though you wouldn’t know it from how loud and boisterous my voice can be I can’t open my mouth that wide because I have really bad TMJ and if my mouth opens too wide it could potentially lock in place (not fun).
7. When I was a little girl my favorite gifts to get from people were boxes. Especially big ones, I don’t know why but I LOVED playing in empty boxes. Apparently I would get a gift, un wrap it, take everything out and just crawl/climb into the box and close the lid. Hum that might explain a lot right?
6. I love the outdoors and being adventurous. I like canoeing, climbing rocks, swimming in lakes, hiking trails. I would love to learn how to Kayak, propel off mountain sides, and hang glide.
5. As I was growing up I was the only one that I knew who had a dentist, orthodontist, and oral surgeon. I have had 21 teeth pulled and of those 21 - 4 were permanent (my mouth is too small for all my teeth).
4. Everything has to be lined up. Like when I eat M & Ms I line up all the reds then under that are all the oranges, then yellows and so on. Then I look and see which color has the most and eat that color until it matched up with another color then I alternate with those till all the colors have the same number of M&Ms and I eat red, then orange, then yellow and so on. This isn’t the only food I eat weird. Ask me and ill tell you more.
3. Although many times I do not dress fancy, or nice. Typically I am in sweats and a t-shirt. However when ever I leave my house no matter what I am wearing I have to match. Example: I have grey track pants I wear with a pink shirt. The grey track pants have a pink and white strip down the side of them. The shirt has “
2. I have never watched
1. When I drink water it pretty much has to be a block of ice melting, the water has to be SOOOO freezing cold or I really don’t like it, and won’t drink that much. I have grown an appreciation for water over the last few months YAY
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